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Maurizio Ferraris

Maurizio Ferraris is Full Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Turin and is the president of Labont (Center for Ontology). He is also the director of “Scienza Nuova”, an institute of advanced studies – dedicated to Umberto Eco and uniting the University and the Polytechnic of Turin – aimed at planning a sustainable future, both from a cultural and from a political point of view. Founder of “New Realism”, visiting professor at Harvard, Oxford, Munich, and Paris, columnist of “la Repubblica”, “Corriere della Sera”, “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, and “Libération”, author of successful television programmes and over sixty books translated worldwide, in his long career he has determined a new course of thought and studies in at least four areas: hermeneutics, aesthetics, ontology, and the philosophy of technology.
He wrote more than sixty books that have been translated into several languages.

Maurizio Ferraris’ Books

  1. Hysteresis, Edinburgh University Press (forthcoming, June 2023)
  2. Agostino. Fare la verità, il Mulino, Bologna 2022, pp. 200
  3. Post-coronial Studies, Einaudi, Turin 2021, pp. 136
  4. Controversia sull’essere. Un carteggio filosofico su scienza, etica, politica, religione, nella prospettiva della Documanità e del Materialismo esistenziale, with Paolo Flores d’Arcais, Rosenberg & Sellier, Turin 2021
  5. Umetnička dela kao osobe, with Migel Tamen, Miloš Ćipranić (prir.), Akademska knjiga – Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Novi Sad – Beograd, 2020, str. 1–135. ISBN: 978-86-80484-58-7 [Works of Art as Persons, Miloš Ćipranić (ed.), Akademska knjiga – Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Novi Sad – Belgrade, 2020, pp. 1–135]
  6. Unsere tolle GegenwartNotizen und Provokationen, Turia + Kant, Wien/Berlin 2021, Federica Romanini and René Scheu (eds.), translated by Federica Romanini, with a foreword by René Scheu, pp. 209
  7. Documanità. Filosofia del mondo nuovo, Rome-Bari, Laterza 2021, pp. 440; Eng. transl. by S. De Sanctis, Doc-Humanity, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2022, pp. 343
  8. Metafísica de la Web, Spanish translation by J. Hernández Marcelo, Librería Dykinson 2020, pp. 202
  9. Learning to Live: Six Essays on Marcel Proust,Brill 2020, pp. X, 106
  10.  From Fountain to Moleskine, Brill Research Perspectives in Art and Law, 2/4 (2019), pp. 87 doi:
  11. Cinema and Ontology, with E. Terrone, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2018, pp. 200
  12. Il capitale documediale. Prolegomeni, in Scienza Nuova. Ontologia della trasformazione digitale, Turin, Rosenberg&Sellier, 2018, pp. 11-120
  13. Intorno agli unicorni. Supercazzole, ornitorinchi, ircocervi, Bologna, il Mulino 2018, pp. 144
  14. Il denaro e i suoi inganni with J. R. Searle, A. Condello (ed.), Turin, Einaudi 2018, pp. 136
  15. Postverità e altri enigmiBologna, il Mulino, 2017, pp. 181; Post vérité et autres énigmes, French transl., Paris, Puf, 2018; Posverdad y otros enigmas, Spanish trans. by Carlos Caranci Sáez, Alianza Editorial, 2019, pp. 176
  16. Filosofia teoretica, with E. Terrone, Bologna, il Mulino, 2017, pp. 280
  17. L’imbecillità è una cosa seria, Bologna, il Mulino, 2016, pp. 120; L’imbécillité est une chose sérieuse, French transl., Paris, Puf, 2017, pp. 148; La imbecilidad es cosa seria, Spanish trans. by M. A. Galmarini, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2018, pp. 128; Η βλακεία είναι σοβαρή υπόθεση, Greek transl. by Κατερινα Γουλα, ΚΕΔΡΟΣ, Athens, 2018, pp. 240
  18. Emergenza, Turin, Einaudi, 2016, pp. 142; Emerxencia, Galician transl. by I. O. Varela, Vigo, Euseino? ed., 2017, pp. 222; Émergence, French transl., Éditions du Cerf, 2018
  19. I modi dell’amicizia, with A. C. Varzi, Naples-Salerno, Orthotes Editrice, 2016, pp. 60
  20. Mobilitazione Totale, Rome-Bari, Laterza, 2015, pp. 120, 2nd ed.; Mobilisation totale. L’appel du portable, French transl. by M. Orcel, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2016, pp. 152; Movilisación Total, Spanish transl. by M. A. Ortega, Barcelona, Herder, 2017, pp. 152; Mobilização Total, Portuguese transl., Introdution by J. Rebalde and A. Romele, GrupoAlmedina 2018, pp. 158
  21. Introduction to new realism, London, Bloomsbury, 2014, pp. 168; Spanish transl. Introducción al Nuevo Realismo, Neuquén, Argentina, Circulo Hermeneutico, 2014, pp. 117. Includes an interview with the author by Maria Albèrgamo; Introduction to new realism, Chinese transl., Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 2022
  22. Spettri di Nietzsche, Parma, Guanda, 2014, pp. 256; Nietzsches Gespenster, German transl. by M. Osterloh, Frankfurt/M, Klosterman, 2016, pp. 252
  23. Realismo positivo, Turin, Rosenberg & Sellier, 2013, pp. 112; English transl. Positive Realism, London, Zer0 Books, 2015, pp. 88
  24. Filosofia globalizzata, with. L. Caffo, Milan, Mimesis, 2013, pp. 99
  25. From Fictionalism to Realism, with C. Barbero, A. Voltolini (eds.), Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, pp. 160
  26. Bentornata realtà. Il nuovo realismo in discussione, with M. De Caro (eds.), Turin, Einaudi, 2012, pp. 223
  27. Lasciar tracce: documentalità e architettura, Milan, Mimesis, 2012, pp. 92
  28. Manifesto del nuovo realismo, Rome-Bari, Laterza, 2012, pp. 114; Manifiesto del nuevo realismo, Spanish transl. by J. B. Jiménez, Santiago de Chile, Ariadna, 2012; Manifiesto del nuevo realismo(includes as a postface the text “Realismo positivo”, by M. Ferraris), Chatelaine transl. by F. J. Martin, Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2013; Manifeste du nouveau réalisme, French transl. by M. Flusin and A. Robert, Paris, Hermann, 2014; Manifest des neuen Realismus, German transl. by M. Osterloh, Frankfurt a. M., Klosternann, 2014; Manifesto of New Realism, English transl. by Graham Harman, SUNY Press, 2014; Manifest for en ny realism, swedish translation by I. Andersen, Stockholm, Daidalos, 2014; Manifest Nowego Realizmu, Polish transl. by Joanna Ugniewska, słowo/obraz terytoria, Gdańsk 2022, pp. 116
  29. Anima e iPad, Parma, Guanda, 2011, pp. 192; Âme et iPad, French by B. Melançon, Montréal, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2014; Die Seele – ein iPad?, German transl. by M. Osterloh, Basel, Schwabe, 2014, pp. 194
  30. Filosofia per dame, Parma, Guanda, 2011, pp. 208
  31. Ricostruire la decostruzione. Cinque saggi a partire da Jacques Derrida, Milan, Bompiani, 2010, pp. 128
  32. Documentalità. Perché è necessario lasciar tracce, Rome-Bari, Laterza, 2009, pp. XV-429; Documentality: Why It Is Necessary to Leave Traces, English transl. by R. Davies, New York, Fordham University Press, 2012, pp. 400; Documentalité. Pourqoui il est nécessaire de laisser des traces, Paris, Editions de Cerf 2020
  33. Piangere e ridere davvero. Feuilleton, Genua, il Melangolo, 2009, pp. 100
  34. Una Ikea di università. Alla prova dei fatti(new extended ed.), Milan, Raffaello Cortina, 2009, pp. 161
  35. Storia dell’ontologia, (ed.), Milan, Bompiani, 2008, pp. 826; 2nd ed., 2009
  36. Il tunnel delle multe. Ontologia degli oggetti quotidiani, Turin, Einaudi, 2008, pp. 284
  37. La fidanzata automatica, Milan, Bompiani, 2007, pp. 204
  38. Sans Papier. Ontologia dell’attualità, Rome, Castelvecchi, 2007, pp. 233
  39. Babbo Natale, Gesù Adulto. In cosa crede chi crede?, Milan, Bompiani, 2006, pp. 151
  40. Jackie Derrida. Ritratto a memoria, Turin, Bollati Boringhieri, 2006, pp. 120; Jackie Derrida. Retrato de memoria, Spanish transl. by B. Mazzoldi, Bogotá, Siglo del Hombre, 2007
  41. Dove sei? Ontologia del telefonino, Milan, Bompiani, 2005, pp. 294; 2nd ed. 2006; new ed. in “Letture di filosofia” collection, introduction by U. Eco, Milan, Il Sole 24 Ore, 2007, pp. 350; Where are you? An Ontology of the Cell Phone, translated by S. De Sanctis, with a Foreword by U. Eco, New York, Fordham University Press, pp. 248; T’es où? Ontologie du téléphone mobile, French transl. by P. E. Dauzat, Paris, Albin Michel, 2006, pp. 312; ¿Dónde estás? Ontología del teléfono móvil, Spanish transl. by C. Revilla Guzmán, Barcelona, Marbot, 2008, pp. 320; Alo? Unde eşti? Mic tratat despre telefonul mobil, Romanian transl. by T. Pavel, Bucureşti, RAO, 2008, pp. 336; Hol vagy? A mobiltelefon ontológiája, Hungarian transl. by J. Gál, Budapest, Európa, 2008; Ты где? Онтология мобильного телефона, Russian transl. By Timenchik Ksenia, Ustyuzhaninova M., Новое литературное обозрение, Mosca 2010, pp. 352; Gde si? Ontologija mobilnog telefona, Serbian transl. by I. Kara-Pešić, Fedon, Beograd, 2011, pp. 448; forthcoming Korean (Hyunsil) and Turkish (Periferi Kitap)
  42. Goodbye Kant! Cosa resta oggi della Critica della ragion pura, Milan, Bompiani, 2004, pp. 154; 5th ed. 2006; Goodbye, Kant! Qué queda hoy de la Critica de la razón pura, Spanish transl. by C.A. Caranci Díez-Gallo, Madrid, Losada, 2007, pp. 205; Goodbye, Kant! Ce qu’il reste aujourd’hui de la Critique de la raison pure, French transl. by J.-P. Cometti, préface by P. Engel, Paris, Editions de l’éclat, 2009, pp. 176; Goodbye Kant! Šta ostaje danas od Kritikečistog uma, Serbian transl. by I. Kara- Pešić, Paideia, Beograd, 2011; Goodbye Kant! What still stands of the Critique of Pure Reason, English transl. by R. Davies, Suny University Press, 2013
  43. Ontologia, Naples, Guida, 2003; 2nd ed. 2008, pp. 168
  44. Introduzione a Derrida, Rome-Bari, Laterza, 2003; 3rd ed. 2008, pp. 161; Introducción a Derrida, Spanish transl. by L. Padilla López, Buenos Aires-Madrid, Amorrortu Editores, 2006, pp. 186
  45. L’altra estetica, (with other authors), Turin, Einaudi, 2001, pp. 351
  46. Il mondo esterno, Milan, Bompiani, 2001, pp. 210; 2nd ed. with a new afterword (pp. 211-215) in “Studi Bompiani”, Milan, 2013, pp. 215; Le monde extérieur, French transl. by C. Crignon, Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf 2022, pp. 360
  47. Experimentelle Ästhetik, Wien, Turia und Kant, 2001, pp. 170
  48. Una Ikea di università, Milan, Cortina, 2001, pp. 117
  49. Nietzsche y el nihilismo, Madrid, Akal, 2000, pp. 87
  50. Nietzsche, (ed.), Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1999, pp. 422; 2nd ed. Guida a Nietzsche, 2004, 3rd ed. 2016
  51. L’ermeneutica, Rome-Bari, Laterza, 1998, pp. 130; 2nd ed. 2003; La Hermenéutica, Mexican transl. by J. L. Bernal, Ciudad de México, Taurus Mexicana, 2000, pp. 187; La Hermenéutica, Spanish transl. by L. Sanz, Madrid, Ediciones Cristiandad, 2004, pp. 182
  52. Honoris causa a Derrida, Turin, Rosenberg & Sellier, 1998, pp. 106
  53. Estetica razionale, Milan, Cortina, 1997, pp. 648; new ed. 2011, pp. 678
  54. Il gusto del segreto, (with J. Derrida), Rome-Bari, Laterza, 1997, pp. 181; A Taste for the Secret, English transl. by G. Donis, London, Blackwell, 2001, pp. 176; O Gosto do Segredo, Portuguese transl. by M. Serras Pereira, Lisboa, Fim de Século, 2006, pp. 240; French transl. by J’ai le goût an secret, Paris, Hermann, 2017, pp. 132
  55. L’immaginazione, Bologna, il Mulino, 1996, pp. 157; La Imaginación, Spanish transl. by F. Campillo Garcia, Madrid, Visor, 1998; İmgelem, Turkish transl. by F. Genç, Ankara, Dost, 2008, pp. 143
  56. Estetica, (with S. Givone and F. Vercellone), Turin, Utet, 1996, pp. 114
  57. Interpretazione ed emancipazione. Studi in onore di Gianni Vattimo, (with other authors), Milan, Cortina, 1995, pp. 446
  58. Analogon rationis, Milan, Pratica filosofica, 1994, pp. 150
  59. Lutto e autobiografia da Agostino a Heidegger, Milan, Bompiani, 1992, pp. 150; Luto y Autobiografía, Spanish transl. by T. Serrano, Mexico City, Taurus, 2001, pp. 213; 2nd ed. 2010
  60. La filosofia e lo spirito vivente, Rome-Bari, Laterza, 1991, pp. 280
  61. Postille a Derrida, Turin, Rosenberg & Sellier, 1990, pp. 308
  62. Nietzsche e la filosofia del Novecento, Milan, Bompiani, 1989, pp. 170; 2nd ed. 1999; new ed., with a new introduction, 2009, pp. 181
  63. Storia dell’ermeneutica, Milan, Bompiani, 1988, pp. 481; 9th ed., with a new introduction, 2008, pp. 528; History of Hermeneutics, English transl. by L. Somigli, New Jersey, Humanities Press, 1996, pp. 358; Historia de la Hermeneutica, Spanish transl. by A. Perea Cortés, Madrid, Akal, 2001, pp. 365 and Mexico City, Siglo XXI, 2002
  64. Ermeneutica di Proust, Milan, Guerini e Associati, 1987, pp. 124; new ed. with a new introduction, Turin, Rosenberg & Sellier, 2022 (forthcoming).
  65. La svolta testuale. Il decostruzionismo in Derrida, Lyotard, gli “Yale Critics”, Pavia, Cluep, 1984, pp. 145; new ed., Milan, Unicopli, 1986, pp. 144; partial Spanish transl. in M. Asensi (ed.), Teoría literaria y deconstrucción, Madrid, Arco / Libros, 1990
  66. Tracce. Nichilismo moderno postmoderno, Milan, Multhipla, 1983, pp. 174; new ed. with a new introduction, Milan, Mimesis, 2006, pp. 173
  67. Differenze. La filosofia francese dopo lo strutturalismo, Milan, Multhipla, 1981, pp. 228; new ed. with a new introduction, Milan, Edizioni AlboVersorio, 2007, pp. 158


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